Self Analyzer: Analyze your Data

Optimum Utilization of

-Data in Rest and Data in Motion
-Structured and Unstructured Data
-Predictive and non Non Predictive
-Raw and Refined Data

Type analyses Self Analyzer can perform for all level of employees in line with their specific job role:

-Descriptive: What happened?
-Diagnostic: Why did it happen?
-Predictive: What will happen?
-Perspective: What should I do?

Advantages of Self Analyzer

 -Allows for the identification of important (and often mission-critical) trends to top management
 Helps the organizations in identifying performance problems that require some sort of action
-Can be viewed in a visual and graphical manner, which leads to faster and better and well informed decisions with ease of confident execution
-Better awareness and deeper understanding about the behavioral trends of potential customers and prospects
-It can provide a company with an edge over their competitors along with mitigation of all related risk factors
-Real-time insights across integrated business functions such as finance and sales, marketing and product development etc.

Off line Enabled with Less Data Loads Off line Enabled with Less Data Loads
Data Inputs through MS Excel or SQL Database
Quick and Smart on Demand Data Loading
Centralized Management of Selected Data

For tech team or IT team of an organization

  • -Install Self Analyzer for free.
  • -Go through User Manual to under stand its simple to use nature.
  • -Use simple drag-and-drop interfaces to create desired reports and flexible, interactive data analyses visualization.
  • -Explore data with smart visualization that automatically adapts to the parameters you set.
Install Self Analyzer as Complimentary Tool from
Corporate Munim and Explore the Next Level for
Self Data Analyses 

For More Details:

Email us at:


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