ERP - Why Corporate Munim?

CM- One Stop Solution

👉Zero Customization
👉Guaranteed Successful Implementation
👉Zero Vendor Dependency

When your growth Strategy is a pattern in a stream of decisions, you need the robust Corporate Munim System Architecture

"2400% jump in revenue enacted by the leading name in Dyes and Chemical industry."

Zero Customization

Configurable Basis 

 CM has configurable dynamic on the go interface application basis for master data through utilities like field manager, dynamic menu et.

 CM has configurable dynamic on the go interface application basis for transaction data through utilities like event creation, form replica etc. 

 CM has configurable Search and Catalog facilities through utilities and interfaces like Grid criteria, search criteria etc.

Configurable Workflow 

 CM has configurable dynamic on the go inteCM has a highly configurable workflow through delegation and authority management interfaces.

 Dynamic and pre‐established standard variances and tracking at various stages in enterprise cycle helps manage change as well as SLA control. 

 Category Master, QC options and batch selection criteria type of interfaces help manage complex manufacturing scenarios and inventory model management. 

Configurable Analytic 

 Highly configurable report writer provides users a unique ability to generate customized reports themselves with standard templates in place.

 CMs ability to interface with external data also gives it the ability to integrate profile and augment them with existing data. 

 CMs ability to be cloud ready and mobile ready along with MAC level controls provides it the ability to securely stream analytics on the go to users across the enterprise.

Guaranteed Successful Implementation

 The implementation process of the Corporate Munim‐Business Automation Solution is completely monitored by an expert panel from NPTL. We will be with your firm through the entire process of implementation holding your hand!


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